My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?


Posted by Ruok On September - 11 - 2006


I did not notice this label at the bottom of my shirt when I first bought it, and seeing it for the first time after a not so successful audition got me thinking.

Have I been spending my life, or have I been saving it?

I guess the fact that I’m pursuing my dreams right now would mean that I’m spending it, rather than saving it, although I’d never quite thought of it that way. But as you all know, I’ve been having second thoughts lately and I’m beginning to wonder if I should really stop and reconsider my other options.

So in the midst of contemplating over this, I looked down and saw this label staring right back at me. I read it and re-read it, half musing if its some kind of sign.

That I should reconsider not spending my life. That I should reconsider saving it.

Life is ours to be spent, not saved. – D.H. Lawrence

Are you spending yours? 😛

2 Responses to “Play”

  1. Ruok says:

    naeboo, *hugs*

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