My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Review : Woman In The Dunes

Posted by Ruok On April - 14 - 2008

After almost a year, I finally plonked myself down and watch this.

The film at best, is one of those films that after having watched it, gives you plenty of thoughts to ponder over once its over. But to get to this, you’ll have to sit through what is an arduously long pacing by today’s standards. That coupled with the glorious non techni-coloured black and white, I feel this film is simply not everyone’s cup of tea.

The film pacing improves but only towards the end, but its kinda too little and too late. Heck, even I almost couldn’t stomach waiting for the ending to come. And when it finally came, it wasn’t a “woah”, or even a “wtf” for me. It was just a “meh”.

The only really cool thing about the film is the way the sand was shot. Which if it was in colour, would have been even more impressive. But if I want to watch a movie about sand, I think I’m better off watching a documentary instead.

(Another thing is everytime I see the sand, I keep thinking about Anakin Skywalker’s lame sand pickup line)

I’m beginning to question the asshat’s taste in films; so far I feel his taste is like the stout drinker who prefers the bottled version over draught. But yet he makes himself out to be some film connoisseur; well, maybe he is, he just likes films that no one else likes.

Or he’s living in another era.

So yeah, go screw yourself back, asshat.

3 Responses to “Review : Woman In The Dunes”

  1. gracey says:

    is that your birthday present for last year from the asshat?

  2. cowboycaleb says:

    I am lumping you together with the folk who enjoyed the Mrbean movie.

  3. Ruok says:

    gracey, yeah.

    zeus, again u showed ur irrelevancy. I dun even watch mrbean movie.

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