If it all goes well, tomorrow I’m so gonna get it. 😛
Update : Got it liow. 😀
If it all goes well, tomorrow I’m so gonna get it. 😛
Update : Got it liow. 😀
These arrived just in time for the party.
The tagline reads “Be Shameless and Blameless”. And, according to the box, these glasses come with reflective inside edges so I can see who’s talking behind my back. You gotta love their dry wit man.
And then of course, there’s this warning :
** IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This item is not to be used as protective eye wear. Black Bars offer no promise of anonymity and may draw unwanted attention (may we suggest medical attention). It is possible (quite probable) these will make you appear ridiculous. Do not operate heavy machinery while wearing Black Bars at night. Pants may be required (check local ordinances). Keep Black Bars away from children and humorless adults. Laugh at yourself (everyone else will be).
Medical attention indeed hehehe.
The response to these glasses doth seem to warrant the above warning. And the incredulous look on Zeus’s face when he saw me put them on is just priceless man.
Quite possibly, this is the best US$10 I’d ever spent.
I know you can’t wait to see how ridculous I look, but pics will only be up later, so hold on to your horses.
Your entertainment this evening is made possible by the kang hu (kung fu) of Terz.
See how he transform this
to this
and this
to this
and this
to this
and last but not least, from this
to this
And for fun, he lets me choot my own kang hu too :
All hail the ism that is Terz!
Here’s a joke inspired by Shirlyn’s black singlet.
Q : What do you call a cat trainer?
A : Pussy è€å¸ˆ
And for all the male students out there, you must know that there’s only one answer to a question like “ä½ è¦ä¸è¦è¡¥ä¹ ?” (The answer of course, must always be a clear and loud “Yes!!”)
And before I go, here’s one more for the road :
èµ·ç«‹, 形礼, è°¢è°¢è¡¥ä¹ è€å¸ˆ. (Courtesy of Terz)
The Pledge. The Turn. The Prestige.
Chris Nolan does it again for me, and I think this is one of the best movies I have watched so far this year. I particularly like the fact that the movie itself paces along the lines of the pledge, the turn (oh so many turns) and the prestige, just like the act of magic it was describing!
Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called “The Pledge”; The magician shows you something ordinary, but of course… it probably isn’t. The second act is called “The Turn”; The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary. Now if you’re looking for the secret… you won’t find it, that’s why there’s a third act called, “The Prestige”; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you’ve never seen before.
I should say every great movie should have these three acts as well.
But I think what gives me the greatest satisfaction from watching the movie is that guessing correctly the secret behind Alfred Borden’s “The Transported Man” at the time when he was talking to Rupert Angier’s double. And then confirming that guess way before it was revealed. To tell you guys exacty when I confirmed my guess, I fear, would spoil it for those who haven’t watched it. But if you really do want to know, just drop me an email. 😉
After confirming the guess, I just marvelled at the way the movie had given so many clues right from the start to Borden’s secret. Its such a great tease that the movie opens with “Are you watching closely?”, cuz truely, if you’d watched closely, you’d be able to figure out the secret soon enough. 😛
I think its been a long long time since I could really recall my dreams.
The one I had last night was pretty interesting, I’m sure, but for the life of me, I can only remember this part :
Having a bird shit on the left side of the jeans that I was wearing. And me not being too upset about it.
So what does this mean har?
Got woken up early this morning by an sms, which not only jolt me from dreamland, but also caused me to forget, at the precise time when I chose to ignore it, whatever I was dreaming.
Worse, I found that I couldn’t get back to sleep after that. After trying very hard for an hour, I decide to give up and check out the sms.
It was an sms asking me if I was interested to act as Joanne Peh’s father this afternoon.
I know I’m a good actor, but I’m not that good lor. Sheesh.
Songs about rainbow… 😛
I think this was one of my best nites at Wala, if not the best.
Anyway got this from Naeboo.
You Are Kermit |
![]() Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You’re a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life’s problems. Don’t worry – everyone know’s it’s not easy being green. Just remember, time’s fun when you’re having flies! |
Gee, I always thought I would be Super Grover. Ah Well.
To borrow heavily from Shakespeare’s Richard III, now is the winter of my discontent. And judging from this post, it seems to be hers as well.
I get a sense of deja vu because around the same time last year, this was exactly what I was going through. No jobs, no projects and not much auditions. Worse still, I was crashing and burning through those few auditions that I manage to get. Yeah, it was a dark time for me and I know that if not for her companionship, I might not have been able to see the sun at all.
Fast forward to a year later, and I find myself stuck in a familiar rut again. Only this time round, I was better prepared because I’d worked much harder in the harvesting season. And while this means I can afford to feel a bit more comfortable hibernating this winter, it certainly didn’t come without a price. And sometimes I wonder if the price I pay is a little too expensive; for had I paid more attention to the other stuff happening around me during this time, I might have prevented certain issues and misunderstandings from happening there and then.
This what winter does to you, I guess. It gives you lots of time to wonder. But it makes it hard for you to wander…
On the acting front, I still remain hopeful, and this winter might still be made into a glorious summer yet from the few auditions I have attended. But if it doesn’t, and my winter remains, I’m painfully aware that I no longer have her companionship to help me tide it through this time round.
And that, is perhaps, my greatest discontent this winter.
I’ve finally uploaded the pictures from my photoshoot. Yes, the key word here is finally. 😛
You can view them here . (Best viewed with under 1280×1024 resolution)