My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Archive for February, 2008


Posted by Ruok On February - 27 - 2008

By now you would have heard much of Juno. And if you haven’t watched it by now, you are prolly too late to catch it on the big screen.

I am totally blown away by Ellen Page’s performance. If you thought she was good in Hard Candy, I’m telling you, you ain’t seen nothing yet. I am still quite amazed at how she managed to pull it off… especially the transitional scenes towards the end. She truly deserves an Oscar nomination for best actress.

I’m not gonna talk too much on the plot except that I think its one of those stories that if you examine closer, you’ll find its much deeper meaning.

The movie also boast an awesome soundtrack… and I particularly like the last song “Anyone Else But You” by The Moldy Peaches.

It was then I realised Ellen had another awesome talent … she could sing!

Move over Natalie, I think I have a new fave now. :)

Original song here.

Once Upon A Call Time …

Posted by Ruok On February - 27 - 2008

In a carrier signal far far away …

In A Funk

Posted by Ruok On February - 26 - 2008

Been feeling out of sorts since last week, and I can’t really place a finger to it. Maybe its because I have too many projects on hold right now.

And because of that, I feel like someone pressed the “pause” button on me, while the rest of the world just whizzed past me.

Was kinda gutted this week when I found out the roles I was gunning for ended up with two “established” actors; which makes me wonder if they were already casted long before the auditions even began. If upping production hours for dramas meant giving these actors more jobs and not giving the rest of us a fair shake, then it might not be such a good thing after all.

Perhaps it was because I was weighing on this that I decided to respond to a call for a travelogue host. They had the auditions today and we were made to go to the street to audition, grabbing passer-bys and pretending we are already hosting the show. It was quite nerve-wrecking at first, but I managed to calm myself down and wing it, I think.

In any case, I have to admit this wasn’t my strongest suit and I might have to reconsider if I did get the job. But I have a feeling I would be spared the agony. :p

The Perishers

Posted by Ruok On February - 15 - 2008

Back in 2005, I stumbled upon their album. I got their latest album last week, which again cost me a bomb as it was directly imported from the States.

But I don’t mind paying for bands/singers who are good but have yet to make their mark on the scene. And I’m glad quality is hard to stifle these days. Judging by the amount of videos on youtube and the comments garnered them, I’m sure the band is gonna make it big soon, if not already made it.

Check out these songs by them :

Come Out Of The Shade

Posted by Ruok On February - 14 - 2008

Come Out Of The Shade – The Perishers (original video here)

Was it love, or just something that reminded me of
Something that felt a lot like, but wasn’t, love
Just friends, friends then, until the end
You know I still pretend, just friends.

Take a step and come out of the shade
I can tell you’re no longer afraid
I’m helpless without your warming smile
Take a step and come out in the sun
I can tell it’s already begun
I’m helpless without your warming smile

Was it love, I think it was but I’m far from sure
I’d never felt that way before, was it love?
Just friends, am I a fool to be asking for,
a fool to wish that we could be more than friends

Take a step and come out of the shade
I can tell you’re no longer afraid
I’m helpless without your warming smile
Take a step and come out here in the sun
I can tell it’s already begun
I’m helpless without you,
Helpless without you,
Helpless without your warming smile
Your warming smile

To everyone who has ever loved before, this song’s for you.

Happy Valentine.

iPhone Rap

Posted by Ruok On February - 12 - 2008

A Saucy TVC

Posted by Ruok On February - 11 - 2008

Yesterday, one of my mother’s ex-employee came and visit us for the Looney New Year and was telling her that she saw me recently on tv again, most probably the Yang Xiao Lang role.

The screening of this role has certainly made more people aware of my “existence”. Clients, relatives and long-lost friends have saw it. Why just the other day, I saw this girl at the mrt train exit smiling at me as I walk past her. And my young cousins have been asking their parents non-stop if it was me that they really saw on tv during this festive period.

One of them even made me let her take a picture of me on her handphone (Not nude, so no Edison saga here). Another ask her dad for my phone number. Her mum then asked me if I wanted to let the whole St Anthony’s Convent girls know my number through her daughter.

Good. Gosh. Golly.

But I guess the biggest surprise for me was when the ex-employee told my mum that she saw my Woh Hup TVC. This was only supposed to be out in March! I guess they changed their mind then. I don’t know if people will like this commercial or not, but personally, I think its gonna be quite tough to top this one .

Read the rest of this entry »

Happy Looney New Year

Posted by Ruok On February - 7 - 2008

Wishing all my readers a happy and prosperous Rat year!

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere (With Me)

Posted by Ruok On February - 3 - 2008

While doing some last minute shopping for my new year clothes, I came across this sales girl who greeted me with an enthusiastic “Hi!”

Judging from her reaction, I half suspected she recognised me. My suspicions were confirmed later when she asked if I was an actor.

And so, minutes later, I became a proud owner of my first pair of designer jeans.

Which was quite timely as my current pair now have a big whopping hole in the pocket…

It was nice meeting you too, Maria. :)

A Great Weak

Posted by Ruok On February - 1 - 2008

This is definitely one of the better week I’m having.

On Wednesday, he said ‘That was a good monologue”, after I performed the second of my monologues in front of his directing class (Rob’s very tall; I almost felt like I was talking to Yao Ming). I felt good because aside from it being a praise from a Hollywood director, it also meant the Method I’ve been employing is bearing fruit.

This is a great encouragement to me as I’m still tweaking my technique in this area.

Nemy was there as well, and I apparently impressed him too. Well, an appreciative audience is always nice, no matter who they are. :)

You already know about the callback I got, and just yesterday, a casting agent approached me to go audition for a gig that would pay more for the one I lost. Audition’s today, so wish me luck!

But in the midst of all these, you remain the one thing that makes me frown.

I wish I didn’t feel so strong about you, like happiness and love revolve around you

But I can’t love you this much baby, and love you from this far

Waiting (however long…)
I don’t like waiting (I’ll wait for you…)
It’s so hard waiting (don’t be too long…)
Seems like waiting (makes me love you even more…)

I’m still waiting for a star to fall, babe.