Yesterday I did my shoot for the Total Defense project.
This was one of the rare few projects that landed on my lap without an audition. I’ve worked with the director Naresh on the Portable Film Project earlier this year and I was under the impression that he had specifically asked for me again.
He might have, but while on the set yesterday, I found out that their mentor was actually Sam, a director I worked with earlier this year for Moonface. Seems like he recommended me too.
It’s nice to know I’m getting referrals in what has been a very slow year. It assures me, in no small way, that at least I’m good enough to be recommended. ^.^
The project was a simple shoot; the highlight being it the first shoot where I got offered alcohol, courtesy of the director. Smirnoff with green tea posed as my stage prop for beverage and the crew insisted I was already drunk halfway through the scene.
But of course I wasn’t. And of course I had to finish the drink, because we all know its bad manners not to finish a drink when offered.
I had to remind the producer I was the way I am even sans alcohol. After all, I did ask her if the “Heroine” spewed over her T-shirt was the follow up series to “Heroes” even way before I started drinking.
Which really got her flabbergasted then because she thought it was a really lame thing to say. You should have been there, Jill. Both of us would have driven her nuts.
In fact, they were supposed to rope Jill in as my wife again, but she couldn’t make it. I’m sure I would have spoken more than two sentences to Jill if she had took the role. 😉
Booze and payment right on the spot.
It doesn’t get better than this.