My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Life Story – Abigail (Excerpts)

Posted by Ruok On August - 20 - 2006

For my overseas friends.

“What happened to my nose?” 😛

12 Responses to “Life Story – Abigail (Excerpts)”

  1. naeboo~ says:

    is she playing herself??

    haha didnt knw u got so many moles on ur neck woeiii.. but u looked super lansi sia… “so whos going to pay me now!!”

    w00t w00t!!

  2. cha says:

    daymn, the story didn’t end yet, the excerpt makes me curious :(

  3. naeboo~ says:


    i watched it three times!!

    i cant get over how lansi and dularn u looked hahhahaha

  4. Ruok says:

    boo: errm… thanks for watching! 😛

    cha: It ended by the father emptying his life savings to help her pay back the debt. And then an interview with Abigail herself, who said that part of the reason why she wanted the world to know her story is so that she will not be subject to blackmail again.

  5. cha says:

    oh is that a true story? 😀

    thx for telling me the ending heheh

  6. Mother says:

    You look very natural in the show!!

  7. Jaschocolate says:

    I feel like slapping you.. Big bully of women.. Hmphz…

    Good work though :p

  8. Ruok says:

    cha, you are welcome.

    Mother and Jas, thanks! 😀

  9. laputa says:

    you are so mean, william.

  10. 9 says:


  11. Mandrake says:

    You bastard! Made used of some innocent person and still got the cheek to make a show out of it. 😛

  12. Ruok says:

    laputa, thank yew for your compliment.

    mandrake, I errm take that as compliment too, ^.^v

    9, errm I also take that as compliment.

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