My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

You, Me And Maybe

Posted by Ruok On October - 10 - 2006

Got K to come down for a quick coffee after my audition. Its been ages since we last caught up, and I was grateful that she took the time out of her busy schedule to meet me for a bit.

Somehow, our conversation veered into you and she was quite shock to hear that I have taken this long to get over you. She never really had the greatest impression of you, as she knew what happened with T and C and she was sure you were doing the same thing to me as well. Yeah, she was also the one that said you really weren’t worth it.

Tonight, she explained her reasons for her misgivings about you and apologise if her words hurt me somehow. Strangely enough, it didn’t hurt at all, though I’m sure if she had told me all these a few years earlier it might. A few years ago, I would have agonised over the truth of her words and knowing the obsession I have in seeking the truth, I would have pursue further to see if her words were true.

But now, I’m just kinda zen about what she told me. It is perhaps another sign that I have proper closure.

I didn’t try to convince her otherwise of her opinion about you, and I apologise if by doing so I have somehow let you down. But to explain everything in detail to her would have taken up the time that we did not have, and moreover at this stage, a lot of this stuff is kinda water under the bridge already.

We did agree on one thing though, and that is I’m such an old fogey for not moving with the times during this long hiatus. Perhaps she meant it in a more serious note, as if to chide me if all this has been worth it.

I can’t say that it is, and I can’t say that its not. What I can say honestly is that I’m fine with it now. And I think you are fine with it too.

Perhaps, that’s all that matters.

2 Responses to “You, Me And Maybe”

  1. naeboo says:

    it’s alw worth it coz u learn.

    i think i learnt a lot from mine and i think it’s worth the tears and the pain but i do wish it turned out better for me, at least.


  2. Ruok says:

    Here’s hugging you back, boo.


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