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Happy (erm, belated?) Birthday!
dont lie! u r ald 18! hahah
happy birthday ruok! many happy returns!
Errm thanks babes!! My birthday is actually on Monday, I think cowboy was too stressed out @ work and mixed up the dates.
Thanks all the same, appreciate the thought! 😀
Errm naeboo, cannot any old how go and tell people my real age lah. 😛
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Happy (erm, belated?) Birthday!
dont lie! u r ald 18! hahah
happy birthday ruok!
many happy returns!
Errm thanks babes!! My birthday is actually on Monday, I think cowboy was too stressed out @ work and mixed up the dates.
Thanks all the same, appreciate the thought! 😀
Errm naeboo, cannot any old how go and tell people my real age lah. 😛