Yesterday, I went for my first audition for Oh Sex. Woot! On another note, seeing how it took until February for my first audition, does say something about my career. *sigh* Anyway, back to happy thoughts!
I received a call the week before and was surprised to hear an unfamiliar production house asking me to go to the audition. When I arrived there, I realised it was a casting director whom I previously auditioned for (but failed to clinch the role) who called me. She had still remembered me from the last time round ( *ahem* must have given her a good impression :P) so had invited me down for a whopping three roles to audition for this time round. Woohoo!
The roles were for a station manager, an autistic man and an ah beng. Although the ah beng role had more screen time, I agreed to audition for the other roles as well, as its not like me to pass up on an opportunity to act. I think she was suitably impressed with what I could offer her for all the three roles, but I’m really hoping to land the ah beng one hehehe. Why? Because I think his scenes are funnny lor, and damn, I really missed doing comedy.
Even though the time in which I get to act was very short, I felt very invigorated after the audition. I think I have mentioned this before, that even though the duration is short, auditions are a very much welcomed shot in the arm for me. And this audition, coming after such a long dry season, does wonders to my parched soul.
When I found out that the casting director was freelance as well, I decided to show her my showreel. When it came to the “True Courage” scene, she was wincing (no surprises) at my character’s actions and I wondered if she too would feel that I’m more suitable for villian roles. To my surprise, she only said that I was very versatile, hehehe. *beam*
I think that really made my day. I’ve got another audition this Saturday, and its a gangster role. Wish me luck!
Good Luck!!!!!!!
*feeling hopeful*
good luck
all the best
Good luck! Hope you get the ah beng role too. I want to see you as ah beng!! 😛
you shldnt need to act to get the beng role. just be urself
spellbounf and winter > Thanks!
QY > Thanks! Errm according to laputa, u juz need to ask me out to see me as ah beng 😛
laputa > yar lah, yar lah.
hope u get the ah beng’s part n best of luck!
No la, i think it’s because you agreed to take up bad guy roles that’s why you were offered the chance… =X
heh, but yeah.. Best of luck in clinching the role… Sometimes, it’s good to wait a teeny weeny bit…
Good things will come to all who waits. Best of luck! =)
good luck!
get those roles ok? hehe.
gracey, leia and starmist > thanks!
Prez > yeah I hope so too, or else u can resign liow lol
[…] On another note, I just got a callback for the gangster role. If I land this role, it will be a small but noticeable supporting role in the movie. I only hope that if I do land it, I can juggle the shoot and the numerous projects that I suddenly find myself swimming in. *gulp* […]