My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

First Role Of The Year!

Posted by Ruok On March - 8 - 2007


GEORGE’s face. He is handsome in a boyish sort of way. He
talks into the camera.

Its hard to turn down a role where I’m described as “handsome in a boyish sort of way”… *koff koff*

Its a small project, but I think I will enjoy doing this one. 😉

5 Responses to “First Role Of The Year!”

  1. princess says:

    *koff koff*

    boyish kind of way??
    *koff koff koff*

  2. Qiaoyun says:

    Who is the casting director?????????!!!

    Hahaha.. kidding lah. Grats on landing a handsome role! 😛

  3. Ruok says:

    Your highness, wah your cough sounds serious, better go see doctor.

    QY, heh, I think I got the role due to lack of better looking candidates. 😛

  4. naeboo says:

    prince charming role finally!!

    no more hamsup, deranged rapists!!yay!

  5. Princess says:

    just visited the doctor yesterday..
    was reallie bad..

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