My website turns two today. And to celebrate the occasion, I’ve given it a facelift! Now if only someone will actually give me one in real life. 😛
In the two years, the website has garnered almost 500,000 hits (496K and counting). Not much to brag about, but certainly way beyond my expectation when I first started this. I know I did not achieve this through my own efforts, and I’m fortunate to have friends who have unshamelessly plugged me throughout this two years. Thank you yew!
And I also want to thank you, my dear readers, for sticking around and helping me believe that whatever I’m writing is interesting enough for you to keep reading. I know many of you read and don’t comment, but its ok, cuz I guess I’m the silent type too. (Yeah, I’ll like to think I’m the strong and silent type. :P)
Perhaps my greatest sense of achievement from this website is getting it to the point that its the number one search for my own name. This was one of my main aim for the website (to help create presence) and I certainly did not expect to achieve this so fast, hehehe.
Looking forward, I’ll not be resting on my laurels. This facelift is just a start to other revamps that I’ll be doing, in particular the non-blog sections of the website. And yes, new photos (from the recent photoshoot)will be up and I’m planning to start doing a podcast show too.
So do continue to stay tune, and don’t touch that mouse button. 😉
P.S. A big hi to all those who stumbled here through searching for “Abigail Chay’. I’m not sure how you all end up here though, but I hope you’ll enjoy your stay! And yes, if you don’t already know, I’m the guy who acted as “William”. 😛
happy bloogy birthday!!!
wah lau…..
but i miss seeing your face on the blog leh : p
to ur blog – happie birthday
to u – congrats
P.s: put ur pictures up
happy blogday!
ding gratz!!
nice… erm… paint splotches! 😛
ghostrider, I need more time to tweak it…. errm why u miss my face? o.O
To the rest of u guys, thanks!! 😀
maybe she meant every time she see ur face can curse u mahh.. hhahahaaa
Your website turned two? Which one? The domain-name and host or the blog itself? I thought you already have it more than two (years? 😀 )
and you changed the colours and header uhmmm, better
Well, silent reader, reading but don’t know what to comment 😛 and I always type your blog url manually hahahhaha
ops, manually I meant I don’t click on the link somewhere, haven’t bookmarked and you haven’t added ur url on the comment so far, hehe
cha, yeah, its only been two, started this in 2004. And my website and the blog is the same age, cuz both were launched simultaneously.
I’ll put my url on my comment on ur blog next time. 😛
i like this look the best so far. clean and nice.
nah, if i decide to link u it would be easier
Happy hatchday to your blog!
Ahhh so you managed to figure out the pages thingy.
FF, yeah I did, through much trial and much error.