My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Oh Picasa!

Posted by Ruok On April - 15 - 2007

Check out this excellent program from Google!

Find out more about it here!

Best thing is its free!

5 Responses to “Oh Picasa!”

  1. JayWalk says:

    Picasa’s days are numbered as Adobe has announced that it will be launching a free online version of Photoshop.

    Here’s the article.

  2. Ruok says:

    Liew, I feel so WOLS. :(

  3. Jaywalk says:

    Er…. apa WOLS ?

  4. Ruok says:

    eh it means slow.

  5. JayWalk says:

    alamak! then i is rewols with all these new acronyms!

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