My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Sian 1/2

Posted by Ruok On February - 28 - 2006

Its funny how I have changed from dreading the day the ad will air, to wanting the ad to air as soon as possible. I think the main reason for the change in attitude is that I got really sick of anticipating the airing of the damn TVC for so long (almost 9 months wtf?!).

If its cancelled/postponed indefinitely, please let me know, cuz then at least I can tell peeps whom I have told before to look out for it to stop looking out. I can also stop putting it as a reference whenever I go for auditions. It will also bring some peace to mind and a close to the chapter as well.

Whatever it is, I just want to know. I think I deserve an answer after so long. KNN.

2 Responses to “Sian 1/2”

  1. Jaschocolate says:

    Actually hor, what TVC should i look out for ah.. i have no idea.. heehee…

  2. Qiaoyun says:

    lol @ Jas.

    Ruok, I think your Incredible Tales episode was a longer wait, right? Heh. Anyway, why don’t you call them and ask lah? For me, I don’t really care whether my ads air or not. I only care about whether my pay check comes! 😛 Some will owe like up to a year lor. Sighz.

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