Last night, in the midst of my dinner, the Woh Hup ad came on, and was displayed in all of its 54″ glory.
It was quite a surreal moment, as my abject horrored face gradually turn to one of affected nonchalance.
I think its safe to say no one recognised me. But I finished my dinner in a hurry anyway.
Eh, FINALLY, I can refer to you as something else rather than “the guy who sometimes act in the “pian tai” roles on TCS channel.” You know la, the typical human need to associate ourselves with someone famous.
Don’t be offended by my comment hor… but hey, GOOD AD! Especially like the eyebrow raising part.
I don’t think you can remember me la, but that’s inconsequential! Have a good day!
Siying!! Oh my gawd!! Of course I remembered you! However did you manage to find your way here?! I hope I’ve become the atypical accountant you’ve encouraged me to be. 😉
Glad u liked the ad, and I’m not famous lah!
One of the few things I’m grateful for the ad is that ppl can finally not refer to me as that pian tai guy anymore, so nah, no offense taken 😛
On another note, gratz on your second bundle of joy! And Karen’s a real babe. Looks to have inherited your wonderful personality! 😀
Hahaha… I use Gurmit’s blog as a jump page to come to your blog quite frequently! hahaha.. please don’t tell him that ah, otherwise, he’ll be hurt!
Yar, the 2nd bundle is a BIG bundle man. Can’t wait to pop… the first one is call Kate, not Karen la! Your first girlfriend called Karen issit???!!!
Egads! I’m so sorry I mistook her name! Jialat, I always forget women’s names especially in the throes of passion…
And no, her name’s not Karen either. 😛