My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?


Posted by Ruok On May - 28 - 2006

She was slim, dark and sexy. She tends to attract dirt and scumbags and also tends to get into messy situations at times. But these are not the reasons why I choose to let her go. Of late she has been hanging too often for my liking and so when the right opportunity comes, I thought it would be best for us to part ways, when both of us could still part ways amicably.

So so long and farewell, Eve. May you find yourself in better hands.

And everyone give a big warm welcome to Paqqy. She may not be as sexy as Eve but I’m sure her finer points will shine through eventually. For one thing, it’s already been said her assets are bigger than Eve’s *wink wink, nudge nudge*.

Pics will be up once I get her all juiced up! 😉

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