My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

4 Closure

Posted by Ruok On February - 16 - 2006

After we attended the screening, Dave bought the rest of us some drinks. We talked about the audience reaction to the redux version agreed that the important thing was not whether this was the best version or not, but that this version was one where more people got what we were trying to say. As we raised our glasses together, he told me that its time to close the chapter liow and as a result, he would not be submitting it for the Portugal film festival.

In a way, I understood his need to move on. This was after all his first short and I think we have stayed on this joyride long enough. We did not talk about our expectation of winning something from the festival, but its not because we didn’t think we will win or that we are good enough to win. The way I look at it, I think we are just jaded… it is after all the third film festival that its been in.

We stayed on till the band finished its last song, “Sexual Healing”. Makes you wonder how you got hurt in the first place eh? 😉

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