Wah fuck. Since I’m on the verge of pounding on the next person’s face, I might as well update Ruok’s blog lar. If not, I do not know what sort of other anger management issues I would need to handle later. Fucking hell.
First off, if you don’t know me, hello. If you need to know more, don’t bother. I don’t actually exist. I’m the cranky fembot on call. Ruok asked me nicely to guest blog and now he owes me his soul. MUAHAHAHAHAAHHAA.
Now, that you would think: Why the hell fembots need a soul for? Good question. Hmmm… I better get him to buy me dinner instead. But fembots don’t need that too? Bah. You humans! Stop all the thinking and fucking. The world need less of you!
Second, I didn’t know I would need to work like this. This tiny tiny box is giving me claustrophobia. I like them BIG. I hope this doesn’t reflect on the owner’s *ahem* other thingies. HAHAHAHA 😛
Next, the checklist is supposed to include praising Ruok and so on. Uh… Me fembot. Me got no feelings. Me don;t know what is good and what is bad. Therefore, there is no comments. Yay. Finished.
Now, I’m free to do all fembot-y things like urm.. greasing armpit joints and uh… drink beer like Bender?
Btw, did anyone watch last night’s finals? That was an ABSOLUTE disgusting display of pasta-fed pride. I fucking hate Buffon. With a name like that, the grease monkey can juz go eat shit and die. Stupid cock-sucking louse. Every frame, you see him being so damn cocky and all. I wish Zidane headbutted him instead and cave his face in. Smelly grease monkey.
Okies. I’m feeling less violent now. Ta! Off to run fembot-y errands.
naeboo @11:46 Mon, 10th July 2006
p/s: WHAT??! I finished this and juz realised I can’t publish it. WTF. RUOKKKKK!!
Sorry naeboo, I set your status as author… not sure why WordPress didn;t register.
yo, ruok, y didnt u ask me to guest blog instead. i have no problems betraying my conscience and singing ur praises until the cows come home.
srry, i need to add this…SIAN LOR!
can ask ruok to let u guest blog tmrw 😛
guest blogger siaaaaah….haaa
funny entry! more interesting than ruok’s. ahem. i mean, just as interesting.
Back for a short while, so..
laputa > U blog meh? KNS I dun even know you blog lor, why never give me ur blog addy? SIAN LOR!
naeboo > thanks once again!, will buy u lots of peanut oil since you dun want my soul! 😀
9 > lol, kenna whacked.
starmist > actually, i think her entry more interesting than mine also. No need to feel shy abt crushing my ego. 😛
ruok>> hah? peanut oil??? cannot lar. i like sunflower oil. peanut oil so oldskool sial……
9>> /kick
starmist>> hahaha thanx. will do again soon. 😛 (and psst, ruok doesnt have much of an ego to crush anyways. he so down-to-earth. :D)
interesting meh? yawn* lol … just jokin. NAeboo strippin naked in my blog next week.. wooot!!!